--- title: "Religion Is Nature's Antidepressant" tags: literature-notes psychology religion date: 2020-12-08 16:58:48 --- # Religion Is Nature's Antidepressant # Religion Is Nature's Antidepressant | Robert Sapolsky [Source](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oldj11NEsc0) Practically all cultures have religions. Its a good system to reduce stress - because... - belief that someone is in control of a chaotic world - there is a purpose to this world - there is a benevolent person who listens - and prefers to listen to people who look like you, live like you, etc. There is good research on health benefits of being religious And that is independent of these factors... - Community support - fewer life-style risks(Less drinking, unsafe sex, etc) --- ### Tags #literature-notes #psychology #religion